We talk about strength being a skill, and how skills are BEST trained from a fresh & well-rested state…not something to be trained when fatigued…
Performing a 1RM Clean and Jerk, or “Explosivity” (**Think - Max height Box Jump), are examples of those types of skills. Similarly Absolute strength like a 1RM deadlift, is optimally trained at the beginning of your session, when you’re fresh. However, there’s another skill that is extremely important for Adventure Athletes, as well as Tactical Athletes, First responders, and anyone who needs to operate at their best, despite how fresh or fatigued they are. This skill is the ability to ACCESS your strength, balance, explosivity, etc… when you ARE in a state of fatigue. I call it, the ability to “Summon your Strength”.
It seems reasonable when you think about it.
Just try not to die for as long as you can. “Woohoo, I made it to 100!” There are whole industries built around this one topic. “20 min of Exercise, 3 times a week helps to reduce the risk of heart disease.” “Try this anti-aging routine!” “Try these brain games, so you don’t lose your mental acuity.” Even biohacking in the quest for “Longevity”, is really just prolonging death in disguise. “Do this simple trick to add years to your life.” “Sacrifice now, so you can have more days on this planet!” So that you can do, what exactly? Sit in the stress and anxiety of your job, or kids, or how it seems like the world is falling apart? Wallow in the depression around how hard and unfair life is? By Ryan Humphries Co-Founder: Axistence *Caution* Strong Language :) If there’s anything I learned from Jeffrey (The Dude) Lebowski, it’s that “Nothing is fucked”. When most folks fall off the wagon, they think "the god-damned plane has crashed into the mountain!" When in reality, “Nothing is fucked dude”. |
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