![]() By Ryan Humphries Co-Owner:Axistence Athletics The word "ADVENTURE" is defined as the following: "An unusual and exciting, typically hazardous experience or activity." Climbing Pico De Orizaba was exactly that. Rising 18’491 feet above sea level, it’s the highest peak in Mexico and the 3rd highest in North America. The trail starts at 14K’ and the journey begins at around midnight. For an asthmatic kid with three knee surgeries who’s experienced altitude sickness just about every time he’s been over 14,000 this was a bit of an ambitious goal. However, just because the adventure itself may be hazardous, doesn’t mean your training needs to be.
![]() By Ryan Humphries: Co-Founder Axistence Athletics Why is it that every instagram influencer seems to be pushing ice baths and saunas?? Sure, they look cool, but what are the real benefits of these two things? What does the science say? Although you could nerd out on the decades worth of research on both of these, we thought we’d sum it up in a few bullet points. *Side note, if any of these claims seem too good to be true, you can find the studies in peer reviewed journals linked below . What about Calories??? Why did we wait until now to bring up Calories?
Lot’s of reasons. But mainly, because of despite what you might have heard…all calories are not created equal. “A calorie is a calorie”, a common refrain amongst fitness influencers and new to the industry personal trainers, just doesn’t hold up at a macro level (no pun intended). “But what about that study where the college professor ate a diet consisting of 100% Twinkies for 30 days and lost weight???” "The one thing you need to know about Carbs."By Dan Jimenez, Co-owner/Coach
If protein is the building block of muscle, What’s the deal with carbs? “Are they good?” “Are they bad?” Think of carbohydrates as fuel for activity When carbs are ingested, they are converted to sugar. That sugar is called, Glucose. "The most misunderstood Macro…Fat." By Dan Jimenez, Co-owner/Coach
“Fat is terrible for you.” “Fat makes you Fat.” “Fat causes heart disease.” Ummm.....No. This is FAKE NEWS. There were some extremely flawed studies done 70 years ago that have been disproven countless times since….but we tend to latch onto the first thing we learned, and it’s hard to shake (that’s called “anchoring bias”). “So, then what do I need to know about Fat? THE MOST CRITICAL MACRONUTRIENTBy Dan Jimenez, Co-owner/Coach
There is one critical macronutrient (Macro) to focus on whether you want Fat Loss, OR Muscle Gain. And…… it’s NOT Carbs! It’s like the “magic pill”, or “Pareto’s Principle” where 80% of your results will come from 20% of your efforts. Here it is... |
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