![]() By Ryan Humphries Co-Founder: Axistence, CSCS, SFG1 Kettlebells.... They're a tool that we believe should be in every Adventure Athlete's toolbox. But where should you start and what should you shoot for? Great questions :)
![]() Step-ups. They're a thing. And if you fancy yourself any sort of hiker, they're absolutely a great thing for you to be throwing into your training from time to time. But Coach, can't I just go for a hike?! Sure. When it's nice out, or when there's not a wreck on the interstate, or when there's not a worldwide pandemic making people stay home to save lives. Sure, you can go hike. You can also find something to step up on and keep your legs strong for when the smoke clears. So should I buy a box? Great question! ![]() By Ryan Humphries, CSCS Co-Founder: Axistence Fitness: The condition of being physically fit and healthy. Everyone likes to think they have the best system when it comes to the fitness. The truth is that everything works, nothing works forever, and there's aways room to improve. Anyone who tells you that their fitness is the best, is either naive, new to the industry, or they're trying to sell you something. But everyone wants the best right? We think so. And everyone deserves to know what works best for them. That takes experimentation. With the Axistence Method, we haven't tried to re-invent the wheel when it comes to fitness. What we have done is combine what works from every successful fitness system out there and design that program around the purpose of living an active existence. We also trim off what we think doesn't serve that purpose. If indeed, you are going to do the fitness. That is to say, if you are committed to spending time out of your day to enhance your physical capabilities, we ask that you don't fall for the charlatans, the gimmicks, the "deep burn" or the “theories” out there... You won't get your time back. Spend it wisely. ![]() by Garrett Sylvester co-owner: Axistence Times are always changing. Currently, things are changing fast. Most of us were unprepared. Bars and restaurants closed, then gyms were announced to close literally in the same day. Things are more unpredictable and uncertain than ever. The question now is what are we doing to do to adapt. What do we do now that we have been requested to shelter in? Does living an active existence stop due to the circumstances you were put in? Or does it continue because it’s a mindset that is always adaptable regardless of what is thrown at you? ... One of the unwritten qualities of an Axistence Athlete is adaptability. One of the biggest setbacks for us was the forced closure of our sacred training grounds. Overnight, we were no longer able to train in the places we loved. We are now trying to figure out how to stay strong, durable, and fit without our beloved training facilities. Some of you may have thrown in the towel and said that’s it until the gym reopens. The rest of you decided that you would not succumb to the circumstances. You looked for ways to adapt. Some of you immediately bought gym equipment to have at home. Others looked for programs and coaches to follow and train under. Some of you even decided it was a great opportunity to get your cardio up and you started running again (I will be the first to admit that I am not one of those). The point is you figured out a way to stay on top of your health by ADAPTING to the circumstances, not giving in! ... Here are some ways YOU can adapt to stay strong, fit and living an active existence! ... 1) Find Odd Objects Around Your House to Train With This is an opportunity to let your creative side shine! Are there rocks in your backyard? Pick them up and put them down (just be mindful when doing so). Maybe you have five-gallon water jugs laying around. Fill them up and use them as weights. Grab an old backpack and turn it into a sandbag. You get the point. 2) Create Daily Challenges with Your Community This is a great way to get others involved as well. Get whoever you know to participate in a challenge. This can anything from doing bodyweight exercises to getting your steps in to doing goofy challenges. You and those involved will feel connected in times where we may be the most physically isolated. The bonus of accountability is thrown in there as well! 3) Get a Puppy There is no better time to get a dog. With being stuck at home, this is the best time I can think of for you to have a well-trained dog. There is nothing like having little companion to go on walks or runs with. Your new furry companion will likely make you move a lot more too. 4) Pick a Skill You Always Wanted to Have Now for some of you, this totally could be another fitness movement. Want your first pull up? Find a program and get after it. Maybe you know deep down that you need work on your mobility (this is me telling myself to get on it). Go online and search for a follow-along yoga flow. On the non-fitness side, this is also a great time learn a skill. This could be drawing, picking up an instrument, learning a new language, or practicing survival skills. ... Remember that the ball is still in your court despite the circumstances. The Axistence Athlete is always learning, growing, and adapting. Decide how you want to adapt, reach out to your communities, and create opportunities in this rare time in history! ![]() by Ryan Humphries, Co-Founder & Fitness Coach, Axistence Athletics Mastery sounds pretty cool right? But what does it take to achieve it? Sure, we have to do the work, put in our 10,000 hours, and stay consistent. We all know that. But prior to our first repetition, there's something else we must do, and that's change our mindset. Take your own personal fitness for example. If you think of fitness as "just something I know I should do", it's not going to be much fun, and you probably won't be very consistent. However, if you think about it as achieving mastery within your own body, you'll likely develop a deeper respect for the movements, leading to the results you're looking for... The way to develop mastery is through practice, through training. The violinist at Carnegie Hall didn't pick up her instrument last month. She practiced. She trained. For years. And even though she is now a master of her craft, she continues to practice. This makes sense when we think about artists, musicians, top chefs, and other master craftsman. However when it comes to fitness, everybody just thinks they can speed up the movements, load more weight, and somehow they'll bypass the mastery aspect. I'm here to tell you that in order to get to Carnegie Hall, you have to practice. You have to unlock the mystery of mastery. We’re about two weeks into the pandemic. Some of you thought it was going to be over, didn’t you? Well it isn’t over, and it may not be over for a while. With the disruption that has swept the world, we have been severely knocked off our regular routine. The structures of life that we once had kept us in routine. Our jobs gave us the structure that required us to use our time wisely. Things like training, meal prepping, making time for our significant others, and family had to be planned accordingly.
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