![]() By Ryan Humphries Co-Owner: Axistence Athletics It seems to be all the rage to do what famous people are doing. Maybe it's what they're wearing, driving, or even what they're eating. Recently, I've seen an excessive number of memes, blogs, and videos promoting specific ways of eating, specifically highlighting famous people that chose a vegetarian or vegan diet. Apparently, its hip to draw correlations between “WHO” someone is a person and “WHAT” it is that person eats. I’d say that’s a pretty bold strategy Cotton, let’s see if it pays off! Do you know what Albert Einstein, Mahatma Gandhi, and Betty White all have in common (besides making the world a better place)? They were all vegetarians!!! That’s right. These three pillars of greatness all decided not to eat animal products. So if you’re wondering about whether a vegan or vegetarian diet is right for you, or maybe you just watched a documentary about how animal protein is destroying the planet, and then you hear something like “these famous people did it” it could be enough to send you straight to the Beyond Burger isle of your local grocer. But not so fast there my carrot nibbling friend… It's 2022 and inclusivity is a thing. We should probably try to be as unbiased as we can in our reporting. Remember that wild-haired, crazy-eyed dude who ran a cult responsible for nine murders back in the 60s? For those of you not tuned in, his name was Charles Manson, and he was extremely vocal about animal rights. That's right, ole Charlie was a confirmed vegetarian. How about that German fella with the little mustache that was always hooting and hollerin'? He sure did seem angry all the time. Since some people seem to think that “WHAT” we eat has some correlation to “WHO'' we are, let’s look at Hitler’s diet. Although there are several accounts of Adolf’s diet, depending on who’s writing it, it looks like ze fuhrer was at least a part time vegetarian. But who knows, maybe he only killed millions of Jews when he was eating meat? Ok, ok, those people are both from the past and it’s a little murky whether they were full time vegetarians or vegans or animal rights activists. Let’s jump to the present day. In 2012 the town of Sandy Hook unfortunately made big news with one of the most violent school shootings to date. It turns out that the shooter, who’s name I won’t mention because I don’t think he needs any more fanfare, was a Vegan. That’s right, the quiet kid that decided to shoot and kill 20 kids in an elementary school didn’t eat meat. Look, if you want to believe that not eating meat makes you some sort of superior being, and you want to talk about the Einsteins, Betty Whites, and Ghandis of the world, you also have to talk about the Mansons and the Hitlers. Eat meat, or don’t. But try not to put yourself on some high horse for doing either based the diet of some "famous person". Photo Credit:
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